Ellasdale Garden Makeover

Ellasdale Garden Makeover



  • About

Ellasdale is one of our residential services and supports 6 people with autism spectrum conditions and learning disabilities. Having access to an outside area so that they are able to enjoy the fresh air and nature is hugely beneficial to the people we support and we would like to enhance the existing area to provide a more enriching environment for all to enjoy.

  • Scarlett, the manager of the service: “We hope that the garden will be a place where everyone can come together and enjoy. Having a sensory garden will allow each person a space where they can easily access outside and feel safe at the same time. It is important for the staff and all the people we support, where we can enjoy an outside space with parents and other visitors and feel calm and relaxed in”
  • Someone we support who lives at Ellasdale: “I can sit and relax, the birds and the colours will make me smile”

Our plan is to transform the garden so all have easy access, including family members so they can enjoy visiting their loved ones. Install a variety of interactive activities that would meet the people we support sensory needs and allow them to enjoy and relax in the outside space, with their families, peers and staff.


  • Garden clearance: £900
  • Patio and decking: £5,500
  • Sleeper beds for sensory planting: £4,000
  • Oak double swing: £3,700
  • Water feature: £800
  • Sensory equipment: £1,000
  • Garden Furniture: £2,000

Your support in helping us achieve this goal would be amazing!

Thank You